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Tag: Media

The CBC’s Tapestry and Our Hope for the Future of Media in Canada

The CBC’s Tapestry and Our Hope for the Future of Media in Canada

I listened to the full CBC Tapestry interview with John Stackhouse the other day and have a few thoughts not necessarily on the content of the episode as much as the hope I have in Canadian media. For a public-broadcaster, it’s no secret that the CBC skews left. I do, too, but that’s not the point. Everyone/entity skews one way or the other. That’s reality. It’s the willingness to fairly represent the other that should serve as the litmus test…

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Big Trucks and the Road to Wisdom

Big Trucks and the Road to Wisdom

Media is a tricky thing. I should say, discerning truth as the media presents it is a tricky thing. I had the fortune of teaching a course on this very topic at our community college this past fall and the two-fold conclusion I came to after all was said and done was this: Media is an inescapable, all-pervasive and completely saturated reality in our advanced, technology-dependent, capitalistic world Learning how to discern and think critically about the media we consume…

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