Top 10 Social Media Tips

Top 10 Social Media Tips

Ipsos Reid’s Advertising Research Specialists recently released their top 10 social media tips for best leveraging your business through this powerful tool. Check this list out below: So what do you think? Are you presently implementing a lot of these tips? Do you disagree with any or think that specific ones need to be more emphasized? I’d be curious to hear your thoughts in the comments section below.

Naivete is Not Just a Fancy French Word

Naivete is Not Just a Fancy French Word

In addition to being a blog where I write about my web developing experience and provide tips on establishing one’s online presence, I’m also going to use this platform for the occasional musings on life in general. Several weeks ago I received a phone call asking me to complete a survey related to travel interests. Often I say “Sorry, busy” and hang up but this particular time I was feeling somewhat generous with my time so decided to go ahead…

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